Thursday, June 12, 2014

Heavy legs and a new heart attack warning

Constant heavy and tired legs are often a sign of coming heart troubles, there are many who live with is condition and are unaware of the possible dangers to the cardiovascular system. With the rise of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and general aging come complications to the lower limbs. A new study warns that heavy legs which (are often tired) signal a connection to may other general health conditions.

If your legs often feel very weighted down do not accept this as a normal sign of aging, the condition means that the arteries of the lower limbs are being narrowed by dangerous plaques, this is a very serious condition that causes many people to have to suffer painful leg arteries bypass, this condition is often related to the health of the heart. As the legs go so does the heart.

Your heavy legs are called P.A.D (peripheral artery disease); the limbs are lacking sufficient oxygen due to narrow blood vessels so the limbs are basically having the life choked out of them.

According to a University report, the heart surgery which is necessary for so many that suffer from this condition can lead to mortality in many patients after surgery.  The link between the heavy legs and the heart is clear.

"Our results highlight that the quality and quantity of health care should be extended to all groups for improved overall health and maximization of long-term survival after CABG (heart surgery) surgery," study lead author Jimmy Efird, of East Carolina University,

The take home message if you have constant heavy or tired legs is to do something about it before it is to late. There are no medications to reverse narrowed leg arteries, surgery may be necessary for many people.

There is some good news, there is a diet that has been reversing diabetic legs problems, the swelling is reversed, it is a specialized diabetic legs diet that is used in Europe, it is now used in 10 countries See here diabetes leg swollen

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Are your Heavy Tired Legs a sign of heart disease?

There are many people who ignore heavy tired legs and this can be a huge mistake, the constant feeling of very weighted down lower limbs is often a sign of coming or current cardiovascular troubles. Ignoring the feeling of consistent fatigue in the leg can cost you your health. The number one sign of a coming heart attack are heavy and tired legs, over 80% of people could have avoided a heart attack had they listened to the lesson in their lower limbs.

The American Heart Association (AHA) has identified “heaviness in legs or” Peripheral arteries disease as a major cause of mortality; the arteries are essentially partially blocked by nasty and sticky plaques.  Ignoring leg heaviness can be extremely dangerous and costly, according to the AHA, Heavy Legs can result in the same cost and mortality as stroke and heart attack, this is serious.

AHA: Lower extremity PAD is now known to be associated with equal morbidity (physical) and mortality (loss of life) and comparable (or higher) health economic costs as coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke

Why your legs are experiencing heaviness

The lower limbs play an extremely important role in the health of your heart, the oxygen rich blood must have plaque free arteries to effectively get the necessary blood to circulate to the heart. When heaviness is being experienced in the lower limbs it is a sign of narrowed arteries.

What to do about the condition and the race against time

It is important to know that as the legs go so does the heart, if you have any difficulty walking long distances and experience any heaviness, tiredness or tightness in the lower limbs it is often a sign of plaque narrowed blocked arteries in the legs.  Time is not on your side, each day the heart as to work doubly hard because of the lack of support from the legs in regard to circulating the blood. The most common way of treating this disease is with surgery or diet, the surgery is a leg bypass surgery which depends on where the leg is experiencing the narrowing arteries (blockage).

Option 1:    Bypass surgery redirects blood through a grafted blood vessel to bypass the blood vessel that is damaged. The grafted blood vessel may be a healthy natural vein or it may be man-made. The typical surgery for tired heavy legs is between $5000 to $7000 dollars.   Amazingly over 80% of heart attacks could have been avoided had people not ignored heavy tired legs.

Option 2 Diet:  There is a diet that has been reversing tired heavy legs without surgery; the diet which was created in Europe is now used in over 10 countries for those who are trying to reverse leg heaviness without surgery

See here Heavy Legs Diet